The process of making the bread was awesome after watching the video. It rose beautifully! Worked perfect!!! Awesome loaf of bread!!!
– Diana
After joining the cooking class and watching the video, I jumped right in and made my first loaf…
I am truly enjoying eating it right now. It has a wonderful flavor and my daughter says you can’t really tell there is no wheat. I will definitely keep making this bread recipe.
Thank you, Mary Frances, for everything you do. Your recipes have given me confidence in going gluten free.
– Cecilia
I have just signed up for the bread baking classes. I must say the video was really enlightening. My dough never looked like that which explains my door-stop loaves and cave-in’s. I’m looking forward to making something edible on a regular basis.
I’m happy to be gluten free now, and might even convert my son and hubby if things come out okay now and then. Imagine being able to make one meal everyone can eat!
– Sharon
While loving to cook, I have never been a baker… I am dying to make bread. I joined the bread 101 class and watched the video. I am SOOOOOO excited that I could actually see what the dough was supposed to look like. I NEED THAT!
My bread machine came today and I am intimidated just looking at the box. Sites like Mary Frances’ make me hopeful.
– Jordyn (before her first loaf of bread)
The video demonstration was a LIFE SAVER. To have a visual for the consistency of the dough was amazing. It helped even more to see you blend it when it was in it’s final state, so that I could make sure my dough was blending exactly like yours.
– Jordyn (shortly after her first loaf)
Hi! I’m Jennifer… My 8 year old was diagnosed with celiac early this year.
GFCS has been a lifesaver for me. I’ve always been a great cook & baker and going GF has thrown me for a loop! I made my first loaf of Finally Really Good Sandwich Bread one night a couple of weeks ago and I almost cried, it was so good!
It was done at about 11pm, and I tried to wake up my celiac girl to eat some LOL! Even my picky hubby said it was better than regular bread!
I’ve taken to making two loaves every Sunday for us to have throughout the week for toast & sandwiches. This Sunday, I plan on doing a Cinnamon Raisin loaf because that’s one of our favorite glutenous breads for breakfast 🙂
– Jennifer
The taste of your bread was heavenly! Had a lovely ham sandwich, the first for many months!
– Rosemary
Special Offer: Get Gluten Free Bread: 101 For Only $27